Self Introduction
I inherited the name of my beloved cat Luna who lived together for 20 years
and made it the author name "TSUKI".
I graduated from college of engineering after graduating high school of art system.
I graduated from designing and researching the science and retired due to sickness.
After that I started the work of design as a work that I can do at home.
I like nature. I want to cherish it.
Nakanugakuen High School Advanced Course Art Course
After I won the youngest prize in "Illustration the Choice",
As if to compensate for missing parts. .
I aimed for a university in science in order to study science and mathematics that I am not good at.
Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering substance Engineering
I studied at the night course.
From morning till evening I worked at a science science company.
I spent 2 years more to enter the university and also spent 2 years more to graduate.
I entered a laboratory in the field of quantum mechanics, but work was not useful because it was research on thermodynamics and chemistry.
I completely forgot what I studied at college. . .
However, now the idea of science is useful for studying my intractable illness!